Kaydence had her two month shots last Monday. You can see her bandaged little owies above. I had been planning on posting after her appointment, but we had a rough week last week. Poor baby. She cried during the shots, which was to be expected, but settled down on the way home. She was fine during the day that day, but that evening she had a meltdown and was screaming to the point of losing her voice and choking (almost throwing up, but not quite). I've never heard/seen her like that, which made me cry. Nothing I did would console her and she wouldn't even take her paci, which she loves. I thought it was a one time thing, but the next day she still wouldn't take her paci and had two more meltdowns. When Wednesday came along, I thought surely she would take her paci again, but no. She had another meltdown that night, so I called the on-call doctor. She said that babies can be fussy up to 3 days after their shots (I wouldn't call her meltdowns "fussy" -- it sounded more like a tortured scream) and to call on Thursday if she was still fussy. By Thursday, she was done with the meltdowns, but still wasn't taking her paci and she was spitting up a ton (more than usual). I called the pediatrician again on Friday and explained what was happening. She ended up putting Kaydence on Zantac to see if that would help her spitting up at all. We gave her the first dose on Saturday. I don't know that it is really helping all that much, except that she does seem to be back to her old self. As of Saturday, she was taking her paci again. So strange how she refused it the entire week and would just scream and then all of a sudden she loves it again. I still can't figure it out. We're supposed to give her the Zantac for five days and then call the pedi. I don't think I want to keep her on it, especially if it isn't helping all that much.
On a happier note, Kaydence rolled over for the first time last night! I think we may have a spunky one on our hands. We were giving her tummy time, which she doesn't always enjoy so she got mad and rolled over onto her back. Mean mommy and daddy watched her cry until she rolled over, but we did get a smile at the end. Her sweet little cry is so sad, but I had to post the video of her first roll.
Also, our little peanut only weighs 9 lbs. 5 oz., 22 inches long, and her head measures 37 cm. Here are a couple more pictures from the last couple weeks.
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