I've been meaning to do a post like this for a few months now, but I always seem to think of it at odd times.
My baby sister, Josie, is just starting to enter the blogosphere and I thought that some of my readers may be interested in her little corner of the world. She only has 3 followers right now and I'm pretty sure two of them are my mom and I.
She is pretty much all the things I am not, a talented organized list making homemaker who loves to cook, bake, and sew...and somehow still has time to spare for her full time job...oh wait, maybe it's the other way around.
Now, while I *can* do those things (well, besides being organized and a list maker -- lol), I certainly don't enjoy them the way she does, which is evident as you scroll through her blog. She has been so diligent in keeping up with her blog posts and all the lovely meals her hubby is so blessed in eating (my poor husband -- lol), that it would be a shame if I didn't share it with you all.
So without further ado, my sister's blog,
mae(de).for.you. If you find her recipes tantilizing, I know she would feel honored and blessed if you click "follow." :-)
After scrolling through her blog again tonight, I was reminded that they don't have us over for meals nearly enough...hmmm...that needs to change ASAP. ;-)
And because it's always nice to place a face with something (and no post is as interesting without a photo), here is my beautiful sister taken just a few days before her wedding last August.
You know you want to...go follow her. :-) xoxo