Before I forget and get sentimental about the Dads in my life, Kaydence turned 15 months on June 7. Believe it or not, she is almost 16 months already!
Here were her stats at her 15 months appointment.
Weight: 18 lbs 1.5 oz (5%)
Height: 29 in. (25%)
Head: 45 cm (25%)
I still have such a little peanut. But the pedi wasn't too concerned about her stats since she has stayed on her curve. I was relieved to hear that and felt like I could relax a little bit, even though she will go days at a time where she refuses to eat anything but crackers and milk basically. At least she is growing little by little.
This was Kaydence's Father's Day gift to her daddy. He loved it and it is currently framed and sitting in his office at work.
How blessed I am to not only have a wonderful father, but also a wonderful husband who is a fabulous father. Kaydence actually got to spend the entire Father's Day weekend with her daddy...all by herself. I went up to Marshfield for my sister's bridal shower and Teirney stayed back with Kaydence. They had a great time together. Teirney took her to the Zoo on Saturday to see the new dinosaur exhibit and she *loved* it. He took some photos -- one of which will be my 365 for Saturday, since I was not around to take a photo of her.
I decided I would make a single list of words that describe both my dad and hubby (in no particular order).
loving...wise...kind...funny...sensitive...God fearing..."cute" first...and so many others. I could go on and on. Love you, Dad!
sweet...loving...gentle spirit...handsome...calm...brainy...wise..."cute"...snuggly...God first...and so many others.
I <3 you both and Kaydence is so grateful to have you both in her life!